Is there anything better than freshly made warm bread in the morning?
It’s definitely one of my favourite things in life but for ages I’ve tried various recipes and they’ve either have had to be kneaded for ages or been quite tricky to make well.
But this recipe, sent over by a friend, is so easy and the bread is delicious! You can also season as you wish – I sometimes add a bit of Rosemary cause I think it gives it such a lovely flavour.
The only tricky thing about this recipe is that you need a Dutch Oven, or something similar to preserve the heat.
Olive oil
*optional* Garlic, herbs or other flavouring
How to make this bread
1. Warm water (3.5dl/ 350g) to 110 degrees F/ C and mix in with half a teaspoon of dry yeast and one tablespoon of sugar or honey.
Optional: Wait 5 minutes for it to see that the yeast is alive. It will bubble up slightly.
2. Add flour (425g/ about 7 1/4 dl), salt (2 tablespoons), olive oil and spices (optional)
3. Quickly mix together and leave to prove overnight or for about 8h.
ALTERNATIVELY if you’d rather make a quicker version you can add a whole sachet of yeast (7g) instead and let prove for 1 hour before you continue with the steps 4-8 below.
Next day
4. Turn on the oven to 225 degrees C and put the Dutch Oven in it to heat up for 30minutes -ish.
5. Move the dough to a baking paper and let it continue to prove whilst you heat up the oven and Dutch Oven.
6. Remove the Dutch oven from the oven after it’s heating time and place the baking paper with the dough inside. Put the lid on and bake for 30 minutes. Be careful as it will be very hot!
7. Remove the lid and bake for another 10-20 minutes. I usually do 15 and that gives a nice crust that isn’t too thick.
8. ENJOY! I eat mine with cream cheese, lemon pepper and smashed avocado !