Lunch at Banca di Roma, Glasgow

PR invite // All thoughts and opinions are, of course, my own. 

Banca di Roma is a new Italian restaurant located at the Royal Exchange Square right nearby the Queen Street Train Station in central Glasgow. The team behind the restaurant are Naples born and raised Antonio, Pasquale and Simone Cozzolino.

The restaurant is housed in a very impressive building in the middle of the square, with large Mediterranean style pillar outside and a large space with skylights and a gorgeously decorated high ceiling. In the middle of the room sits a tree with orange leaves which is eye-catching as soon as you walk in. As soon as we stepped inside the staff were really helpful and assisted with wine and food recommendations.

I went for the Burrata to start, the Tagliatelle Ragu for mains and the Lingotto for dessert, whilst Cody enjoyed the Calamari, Grilled Prawns and we also shared the Nduja + Gorgonzola Focaccia, which was the thinner style focaccia and had some spice from the Nduja but not too overwhelming. For me the burrata and the Ligotto really stood out, but all the food was lovely. The burrata was served with broad beans, peas and mint and the Lingotto was a “Banca Di Roma gold bar” made out of chocolate and containing salted caramel mousse and a heart of raspberry. The fresh and slightly tart raspberry cut through the sweetness of the mousse in such a lovely way and it’s one of the best desserts I’ve had in a really long time. Don’t miss this if you visit!

I would happily come back for another meal next time I’m in Glasgow and I could imagine it being a nice spot to bring friends & family if you want something that is more of an experience with beautiful interior design as well as good food.

Have you been to Banca di Roma?

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Moa Nilsson

Adventurous Swede with a fondness for castles, snow and vintagesque experiences.

Scandinavian Abroad

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